
Delicious Roast Beef Bowl

I like this restaurant roast beef.

This restaurant is in Takandanobaba.

(Takadanobaba is between Ikebukuro and Shinjuku.)

There is always a long line of people,so it takes a long time to eat.

In this sense, this restaurant is not suitable for overseas tourists.

But I like this roast beef,so I introduce this restaurant today.

I like especially special sauce,this taste is very nice.

This restaurant's name is Red Rock.

レッド・ロック - 豊島区, 東京都, Japan. 看板
Signboard in this restaurant.

This restaurant's main meal are roast beef bowl and steak bowl.

Especially roast beef bowl is characterized in this restaurant.



This is menu.

And I like presentation of food very much.

Please look a this picture.


レッド・ロック - 豊島区, 東京都, Japan. ローストビーフ丼大盛り

Like roast beef tower.

These picture is roast beef bowl(large size).

If  you have time,please enjoy this bowl.

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